
Life of the Amazonia

Created by Bad Comet

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Latest Updates from Our Project:

Giant Otter Coloring Survey / End Game Bonus Token Results
almost 2 years ago – Thu, Oct 20, 2022 at 05:11:48 AM

Hello, Hani here!

We have quite distinct seasons here in Korea so the weather has become quite chilly here the last few weeks so I’ve actually had to take out my winter coat today. We have quite an important voting process taking place in today's update so please make sure to check the votes going on at the bottom of this update before you leave!

1. Project We Love

Our Campaign has officially become Kickstarter’s “Project We Love”!

This is all thanks to our 1,148 Backers. Thank you!

Please share our project with those you love around you so we can unlock more Stretch Goals and get to making a fuller final product for all our supporters here ☺️.

2. New Stretch Goal OPENED! Additional Deck of base game cards.

We have now added an Additional deck of Base Game Cards to our Promo Pack! This is to be a newly added deck of scoring cards for the 8 Base Animals and will be an easy Family Mode.

Life of the Amazonia is a game with lots of cute animal meeples, but also includes depth and varying options. So, we created this Family mode with an easy and simple scoring method so that beginners and families with young children can enjoy our game with a bit more ease. Each card’s abilities will continue to be refined through balance tests, and once the final abilities are confirmed, we will share them with you through our updates.

3. Our next Stretch Goal, the Piranhas!

For me, you say Amazon, I think Piranhas! You say Piranhas, I think the Amazon!

Though the categories of animals used in the game are Mammals, Birds, and Herptiles, it seems inevitable that Piranhas need to be included in an Amazon-themed game. One special thing about our Piranhas to come is that these Unique Animal Cards will be the only ones to contain 2 Meeples on 1 card! So the player who chooses the Piranhas as their Unique Animal will start with 2 Unique Animal meeples. We wanted to implement a swarm of Piranhas ready to hunt down prey as our meeple, but it’s quite difficult to execute a school of these beasts as a meeple. Therefore, we tried to liven the concept with the 2 instead of 1 lone piranha. Let’s get to that $95,000 mark and include these Piranhas in the game!

4. Votes for the End Game Bonus Token have closed!

Thanks to all 189 Backers who participated in the voting session! As a result, Option 1 received 35 votes, and Option 2 received 154 votes, making Option 2 our winner with quite the overwhelming number of votes! I’ll say here that I was a bit, embarrassed? Humbled? As the votes leaned more to one side than I expected😅.

As many of you commented, the image of the Bromeliad and Butterfly will be our final End Game Bonus Token! Thanks again to everyone who participated.

5. [Survey] Determining the best Otter Coloring

We’ve received quite a lot of feedback from our Backers about why the Otter is pink. Some of the opinions were that the color was so offset from the actual Giant Otter that it made it not really look like an Otter.

When the Art Team first designed the Otter, the reasoning behind why we used pink was: 1) We wanted to add brighter colors to the game, and 2) We wanted to add the pink color to the jungle in order to create a more color-balanced and beautiful look to the jungle. And just like the Hippo, who has skin color similar to that of a real otter, and is often expressed in this pink/purple color, we thought that it would also be natural to express the Otter in this color as well.

However, there was one thing I overlooked: Hippos who are mostly portrayed or characterized in a pink/purple color, Otters on the other hand when characterized were always colored brown. Googling “otter characters”, all the referenceable images were otters expressed in a brown color.

The fact that the color most people attribute an otter being brown, is a pretty important implication. Due to the nature of the game, which requires various kinds of meeples to be identified at a glance, it is important to minimize the time it takes for meeple/animal recognition by using familiar shapes and colors that most people correlate with these animals. This brings us to, the Brown Otter!

Though there is quite a bit of feedback that let us know the pink otter is not their favorite, we have been getting quite a few feedbacks asking us to keep them the way they are, pink😄. (#keepotterspink) 

Therefore, it seems the right thing to do is to put it up for vote! What color would you like the Otter to be? Let us know your pick!

1. Pink Otter

2. Brown Otter

Personally, I think the advantages of each color are as follows 😊

1. Pink Otter: The pink color is not one that is used(aside from the Unique Animal Dolphin) throughout the entirety of the game, therefore the Pink Otter’s color stands out and is able to distinguish itself from other animals. The advantage I see is that it will be quickly distinguishable thanks to its quickly detectable color. It also brings color to the Jungle. Though, a colorful jungle can be an advantage for some and a disadvantage for others.

2. Brown Otter:  Similar in color to a real Otter, it is more easily recognized by the Player as an “Otter”. The overall look of the jungle also becomes a bit closer to the real Amazon Rainforest. The brown color blends more harmoniously with the jungle components and excludes that sense of alienation.

I’ll say that I can’t put a finger on the outcome of this voting session. As always, our voting rules are as follows:

  •  Only the comments under this very update will be counted as a vote! Comments on other updates and/or comment sections will not be counted so please leave your votes right under this post!
  • 1 Vote per backer. So even though you leave multiple votes for us we'll only count the first vote you've commented.
  • Votes will close: 11pm on Saturday, October 22, 2022 Eastern Standard Time

In light of our important voting session, let's end today's update with a fun fact about our Giant Otter.

Known throughout much of their range as 'river wolf', these Giant Otters are amongst South America's top carnivores. They are strictly carnivorous (piscivorous) and eat mainly fish such as cichlids, perch, characins (such as piranha), and catfish. If fish are unavailable, they will also take crabs, snakes, and even small caimans and anacondas.

image source-

That’s all for today! Make sure to cast your votes for your favorite Otter color!



End Game Bonus Token Image Survey
almost 2 years ago – Mon, Oct 17, 2022 at 10:20:31 PM

Hello, this is Hani!

We’ve already unlocked 2 more Stretch Goals!

Now we have the Capybara, the largest rodent in the world, AND an End Game Bonus Token.

To share with everyone what the End Game Bonus Token is, the first player to finish the game gets 10 points as an “End Game Bonus”. 10 points is a pretty big gain, so a lot of the time you’ll have to think if finishing the game and gaining that End Game Bonus is worth it or if placing another animal and pushing the end game to another turn is more worth it. 

*I would like to note here that depending on our balance tests, the points are subject to change.

These End Game Bonus Tokens that’ll be awarded to the finishing player will be included in the Promo Pack as a Kickstarter exclusive! Woohoo!

Now, we need your help with the End Game bonus design. We have 2 options.

1. Bromeliad only

2. Bromeliad and Morpho Butterfly

1. Bromeliad only

These 2 designs when voted on internally, the team was split 50/50, so we need your help to decide which of these designs will be our End Game Bonus Token!

Which one looks better for the End Game Bonus Token? Let us know in the comments which of the 2 is your favorite.

  •  Only the comments under this very update will be counted as a vote! Comments on other updates and/or comment sections will not be counted so please leave your votes right under this post!
  • 1 Vote per backer. So even though you leave multiple votes for us we'll only count the first vote you've commented.
  • Votes will close: Midnight on Tuesday, October 18, 2022 Eastern Standard Time

One more thing!

Our team is doing our best to answer your messages and questions in the comment section as quickly as possible. However, our replies may be delayed during weekends! This is to replenish energy over the weekend and gain momentum for the next week, so please wait just a bit for us as we take this time to recoup!😊 We’ll make sure not to miss a single question or feedback, and answer them one by one. As always, thank you.

I would like to wrap things up with a fun fact about our new animal, the Capybara!

Capybaras are highly social animals. The Capybara prefers to live among large herds of around 10-20. It’s no wonder why they are always pictured with other animals😆, especially cute pictures like these, of other animals riding on capybara’s back! Here are some of my favorites to get you through the weekend😊.



2 Stretch Goals UNLOCKED!
almost 2 years ago – Thu, Oct 13, 2022 at 07:00:05 AM

Hello, Everyone!

I think this will be my first official introduction to our Bad Comet supporters so I’m a bit nervous but my name is Lucya, and I’m one of Bad Comet’s Communications Managers!

I’m usually on the sidelines taking face as “Bad Comet” in the comment sections, so know you’ll see me around a lot more often than you think😉.

There are a few things I’d like to go over today. First of which is, our first 2 unlocked Stretch Goals. Was it not just moments ago that we reached our funding goal?! We’re only on DAY 1 but we’re already ready with a Harpy Eagle and 4 extra Insect Cards added to the copies! With that being said, our 4 Insect Cards have not been specified, anyone an Amazonian insect specialist? Or do you have any Amazonian insects you would love featured in the game? Let us know in the comments below!

I’d like to say, these 2 Stretch Goals flew by but we have lots more prepared and constantly looking out in the comment sections for what everyone would love to see next😊. With the 2 unlocked, I’m sure everyone has taken a look at our upcoming Stretch Goal, the Capybara! There is no chance “Life of the Amazonia” can go without this little fella! We are soooo close and I know we can get there soon! So let’s get to unlocking the Capybara and bringing them on our adventure!

So much love and support have come through all channels immediately following the launch! Unfortunately, it is proving difficult for our small team to reply to everyone within the day. Due to the large volume of comments/messages/emails, we hope everyone understands as we make sure each of these valuable messages are thoroughly replied to.

I think this concludes the update for Day 1 of “Life of the Amazonia”. We can’t go without a fun fact can we😄!

The Amazon Pink River Dolphins are famous for their pink hue, but did you know that they aren’t actually born this way? These dolphins are actually born gray and slowly turn pink as they age. It is said that the color of an adult Amazon Pink River Dolphin can be determined by temperature, the degree of turbidity of the water, and their geographical environment! Pretty cool right?

That is it for today! Until next time!



FUNDED IN 1 HOUR! Thank you!
almost 2 years ago – Thu, Oct 13, 2022 at 03:24:35 AM

Hello! This is Bad Comet’s Co-founder Hani!

Funded 57 minutes. Wow. I am shaking. This is amazing, this is truly unbelievable.

Thanks to everyone here, we succeeded in becoming fully funded in under an hour! I think I might need to spend a moment just to pinch myself to make sure this isn’t a dream.  Thank you, thank you, and thank you. I didn’t expect to reach this achievement so quickly! (Actually, in about an hour Korean time, it’s my birthday! The launch and successful funding of Life of the Amazonia is the biggest birthday present yet!)

It’s been a year since our previous campaign for Wild: Serengeti concluded. I’m equally nervous and excited for what will be ahead of us these next few weeks as we converse and progress through the developments of the game. Feels like the beginning of something special, no?

Now that we are funded let's talk about our first Stretch Goal, the Harpy Eagle! Quite a handsome fella right? Buckbeak from Harry Potter is to have been referenced from the Harpy Eagle. This majestic eagle is an Exclusive Item that will only be available to our Kickstarter Backers. They are said to feed on sloths and monkeys that live in the canopy. Sorry to our monkeys and sloth friends, but let’s get to adding this Sky Lord Harpy Eagle to our game!

We would love everyone to know, we truly value our Backer’s feedback. This project is something we wish to create together. If you’ve been with us before, Backer feedback does not go unnoticed😊. With that being said, we would love your feedback on other animals you love and adore from the Amazon. Have you traversed the Amazon? Or is there an Amazonian Animal you would love to see joining our game? Going, seeing, and venturing through the Amazon Rainforest is on my bucket list, but unfortunately, I have yet to check that off my list. Tell us about your experiences and the amazing animals you’ve seen there, or let us know what animals you know would fit best from the Amazon and we’ll be sure to use that as a reference when designing the animals that will be included in our future promo packs! As always our Promo Packs will reflect Backers’ opinions as a top priority.

To open up as many Stretch Goals as possible, we do truly need your help! Nudging a friend that loves nature themes, sharing your support for our project through your social media, or anything to spread the word will be an immense help to us!

All right, that’s it for today! I think I might need to sit down, and really make sure I’ve fully comprehended the amazing day today has been.

Like old times😊 I want to end this update with a Fun Fact about the Amazon.

Did you know that 10% OF ALL THE WORLD’S WILDLIFE IS FOUND IN THE AMAZON. And incredibly, a new species of animal or plant is discovered in the Amazon every 3 days on average.

